Dominique De Blieck

Tanzania-Kenya-South Africa-Namibia- Zambia-Zimbabwe-Botswana-Rwanda-Uganda-Ethiopia
Africa Inside Out Safaris

The retreat will teach you a new and unique style of yoga. Yoga Waves Flow place emphasis on movements synchronised with rhythm and breath. The focus is on continuous flowing movement in a manner that emphasise breathing and staying on the beat of the music.

A Yoga Waves Flow Class is a Yoga choreo created to a specific song. During the class we learn the choreo gradually through repetition and build up. At the end of the class you will do the choreo without even realising that you know it already! You will find yourself flowing seamlessly through the asanas choreo to a specific song.

The approach to yoga is fresh, fun, inspiring and exciting! There is less emphasis on detailed alignment cues and more emphasis on flow, rhythm and breath. This style is suitable for students who already have an understanding and demonstration of healthy alignment in the postures.